Monday, February 25, 2013

Inauguration #DutaIm3 2013

 Okay so 2 days ago, i attended the inauguration of duta im3 2013. Bella, the other guys and i are representing tangerang on #DutaIm3. The inauguration was great, we got to meet new friends from other areas, got a bunch of knowledge, and cool doorprizes. I didnt want that day to end actually because i love being around them :(.  They are funny, hilarious, real, and i just love all of them. So lemme show you some pics :D
                                          Posing like angelina jolie when she was at the oscars.
                                                                         Its us!!!! :)
Oh and each of us got a nice uniform specially made for us ;), cool right? we also had an open class, they taught us all about indosat, especially the benefits that indosat gives to their customer. For more information about indosat you can follow them @indosatmania @indosatbotabek @indosatjawara @indosatcare. Well i had a great weekend, how about you? XO

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