Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Super Cool #GilaGadget and #IndosatSuperWifi Event

    Yay so today im gonna tell you guys all about #IndosatSuperWifi and #GilaGadget event.
So i went there to try #IndosatSuperWifi out, and i struggled a little bit with my phone and stuff but in the end, i really enjoyed the suppah fast wifi connection. The wifi is actually free for all the customers of indosat, great isnt it? :o Who doesnt want to get a free wifi lol, no one, i know. So here's the cool things, its free, and the speed is 20 Mbps !!!! *dancing on the floor* . Lol okay, im having too much fun right now.
                                                  Just us, making poses before going home.
 Oh and i forget to tell you, that the wifi is obviously unlimited, cool riteeeee? And if you're interested, and want to know more about it or the activation , go to this page and you'll find out how ;) . And after all, id like to thank all the crews of indosat, for making such a good event, and thanks for the food lol its so delicious, you guys did a great job :D. So what are you waiting for lovely userss? Go and activate your #IndosatSuperWifi! XO.

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