Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Daydream Away

Hi, today i am going to talk about my crush. Not a celebrity crush, just a crush. So i've had a crush on this guy since 6th grade. It was my first year as a new student in my new school. I was just looking around when suddenly he appeared and easily took my breath away. When i first saw him, i said to myself "dude, this guy is so your type". Just kidding, he's more than just my "type". He's weird, but he's also the most good looking guy on the planet. He likes to pick his nose in public, he's good in english and math, he has a great taste of music, just like my brother, and those beautiful dark brown eyes which i really love. He never knew about my "feelings" for him, i guess that's all my fault because i wasn't brave enough to start a conversation with him. well, screw me. But i still remember our conversation and it was like 5 years ago, but i remember all the details. And i've been wondering, why cant i get over him? why? Its been years and i need to have a life. Okay his name starts with an A and ends with a W. He's a good skateboarder, he can play guitar, he's a horrible singer yet i love his heavy voice, and i guess, he loves to argue. Thanks to my bestie Andrea, she gave me this song from All Time Low, its called "Daydream Away", i start to think about him again, well because since we graduated from junior high, he moved to another school in bsd. So okay, here are some perfect lyrics of 'Daydream Away' "you're just a daydream away i wouldn't know what to say if i had you, and i'll keep you a daydream away, just watch from a safe place so i never have to lose" So A, if you hear this, call me :), just kidding, don't do that or i'll die because of being too happy and super shocked at the same time .Love you always. XO

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