Monday, March 11, 2013

Time is Precious

So yesterday i went to a mall in Serpong with a few friends. We didnt know what to do actually, i guess we were just bored, and tired. Tired of school, annoying people, and other silly stuff. I spent like more than 30 dollars there, i didnt buy anything, we were just hanging out, eat, eat, and eat. I saw a lot of pretty dresses, vintage jewels, shoes, i wanted all of them, but then i said to myself, "do i really need them?" . Well yeah i dont, but i wanted them so badly. I shouldnt have gone there. its silly, i did nothing. Oh and i met my elementary school friend, well if he still consider me as his friend :), we didnt say hi, i dont care anyway :p.

But i also went  to Sour Sally, i ordered yogurt bubble tea, (mango flavoured), it was pretty good, i like it.

              And this what my face looked like when i saw my old friend.

And, if i could give you an advice, dont ever go to a mall if you dont really know what to do there. Im sure if you did, then you would end up like me. Id rather be at home, blogging. Time is precious. GOOD NITE XO

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