Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy 52nd Birthday Momma!

YAAAAAY Happy birthday mommy! Damitttt you're 52 now, but dont worry, you still look like Elizabeth Taylor. We didnt really celebrate her birthday today because she had to go somewhere so i'll just bake her a cake. She is the most annoying mom ever, she gets mad at me everyday, but she means the world to me.

                                    mom(the one wearing white tshirt) and ferina widodo's family


                                                                  Uncle J, me, mom

                  Mom and my brother, when he was about 4. She looked like jessica simpson, didnt she?

Well mom, i cant give you a million dollar like angelina jolie did, but i love you no matter what, you can always count on me. Cant believe your 52 already, you look so young, you look better than Britney, Paris, and Lindsay. Happy birthday momma, je t'aime. XO

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