Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Unlucky One

I've been so unlucky lately. So many bad things happened to me, but i survived though. I feel like the female version of bad luck Brian, im bad luck Brigitta. Thank God im still breathing. These are the bad things that happened to me to me lately:

                           1. Friendzoned by a person i love so much.
                           2. Bad grades

                           3. Mom canceled the trip to Bali (worst)

                           4. Ran out of money

                           5. Became the one and only forever-alone girl, because everyone else is in a relationship.
                           6. I didnt get to watch Only Seven Left's concert

                           7. I also missed Demi Lovato's concert in Jakarta.

It might not be that bad for some people, but for me, it is bad. I miss my friends mrs.perry and pervert bitch so much it hurts. By the way, the canceled vacation is my worst heartbreak. Ive planned so many things, and now those things are ruined. Fine mom, i'll just hang out with my friends. I have a few plans to do with my friends for this long week-end. Tomorrow im gonna go to Kidzania. I know, i know, im too old for kidzania, but hey, i can just lie about my age! I will say that im 14 yo, they wont notice it :p. I want to do something crazy before i turn 16 this May. Ofcourse, i will have to dress like children, i'll be wearing pink t-shirt, shorts, and ballet flats. Im sure i wont look like this :

                                                                        She's insane....

BY THE WAY, its 2 day away from march 30th! Guess what? Its someone's birthday! find out tomorrow night! XO

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