Saturday, June 1, 2013

Month of May

         Its been a month since the last time i posted. Well lots of thing happened in May. I got many new friends, they are amazing, i had my birthday which wasn't so fun because i got to spend it with a bunch of strangers. But my bestfriends, somehow prepared a surprise, a really nice surprise, and fyi, it was supposed to be a racy surprise-_-. They gave me weird gifts such as a shaving cream, a pack of tissue, a soap, and bras (wtf right),but they prepared the "real" gift tho. My seniors had graduated from high school, once again congratulations to all of you especially ka andre.
         And we had our freaking final exam, i can't explain how much i hate school. I wish i was on the road, touring with my favorite band instead of being at school. Oh God, why? 
         Well i need to stop complaining and start to thank the people who said happy birthday to me and for those who made my day. 
           Special thanks to mommy, daddy, kakak, grandad, jesslyn, angel, vanny, clara, munte, vano, anca, niken, davina, ka andre, janis, tara, mbak luna, claudia, and my uncles&aunts.
           So i think thats all for today, as usual here is my song of the day. If Only by HANSON <3


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