Tuesday, June 25, 2013


This summer i've been doing exactly nothing. Well there's just so much stuff in my head, like the summer-body-i-will-never-get, boys, the beach, celebrity crushes, and my new semester resolution. And also, i've been acting extremely mean to my crush, i don't know why, i'm truly sorry for my bad behavior, please i still like you though sometimes i act like i don't anymore, believe me. 

So i'll end up talking about my crush again. It's because i don't have an interesting life and great things happen a lot. I can't afford branded clothes like chanel, givenchy, valentino, etc, i don't have an iphone, i don't have playstation or xbox. But i have ordinary things that keep me away from being crazy, like my old laptop, my old on and off blackberry, and my books. 

The only interesting thing in my life lately is my lovely doodly (i don't even know what doodly means) crush, i know i'm such a coward for apologizing through a stupid blog post and you probably won't notice but i am very sorry for being an asshole this whole time, i didn't mean to ignore you, or make you feel unwanted but i was just tired and mad at myself for having such a pathetic summer. And i know we no longer talk all the time but i want you to know that, Μου λείπεις :) 

Anyway, it seems like Britney Spear's "Everytime" is my favorite song of the day. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Marathon

Okay, it's not a running marathon. I do NOT run. What i actually mean is movie marathon. We all know summer has come, but still, i have nothing to do. No summer parties. no loud music, no tanning, it's just me and my favorite movies. It's been a week since the holiday started and i guess i've watched more than 20 movies at home. I've been watching lots of comedy instead of actions or dramas. I'm so sick of  those love stories. But i did watch The Vow and The Notebook anyway. Yeah old movies somehow are better for me now. So let me recommend you some great movies that i've watched this week.


Starring : Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, Brittany Murphy


Starring : Cameron Diaz, Ben Stiller


Starring : Scarlett Johansson


Starring : Kevin Zegers


Starring : Heath Ledger<3, Julia Stiles

So those are my favorite movies at the moment. Have fun watching them! XO

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Month of May

         Its been a month since the last time i posted. Well lots of thing happened in May. I got many new friends, they are amazing, i had my birthday which wasn't so fun because i got to spend it with a bunch of strangers. But my bestfriends, somehow prepared a surprise, a really nice surprise, and fyi, it was supposed to be a racy surprise-_-. They gave me weird gifts such as a shaving cream, a pack of tissue, a soap, and bras (wtf right),but they prepared the "real" gift tho. My seniors had graduated from high school, once again congratulations to all of you especially ka andre.
         And we had our freaking final exam, i can't explain how much i hate school. I wish i was on the road, touring with my favorite band instead of being at school. Oh God, why? 
         Well i need to stop complaining and start to thank the people who said happy birthday to me and for those who made my day. 
           Special thanks to mommy, daddy, kakak, grandad, jesslyn, angel, vanny, clara, munte, vano, anca, niken, davina, ka andre, janis, tara, mbak luna, claudia, and my uncles&aunts.
           So i think thats all for today, as usual here is my song of the day. If Only by HANSON <3